R20 Asia-Pacific Collaborates with APEKSI Building Climate Resilient Cities in Indonesia

11 - 13 December 2013

On December 11, in Jakarta, Mr. Nico Barito, signed a MoU on behalf of R20 with APEKSI (the Association of Cities of Indonesia). The Association was represented by Mr. Vicky Lumentut, Chairman of APEKSI and Mayor of the municipality of Manado, in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

APEKSI is an official local government association of the 98 cities in Indonesia. The mayors of the cities are key actors of urban development and the green economy approach. The rapid growth of several cities in Indonesia significantly degrades the environment. Issues relating to waste and sanitation, and public infrastructure (i.e. water, public transportation and electricity), are priority concerns for APEKSI. APEKSI, therefore, foresees the need to adopt green technologies and renewable resources to build resilient cities.

To this end, Mr. Lumentut, on behalf of the Mayors of Indonesia, has agreed to undertake a pilot project with R20 in his own city, Manado, for biomass conversion and solar-powered streetlights. The project is expected to begin in May 2014. The Chairman of APKASI (the sub-national government overseeing 416 regents), Mr. Isran Noor, expressed his full support to Mr. Lumentut who offered to host the first R20 Asia-Pacific Conference in Manado in May 2014. The event will be supported by APKASI and APEKSI, whose members amount to 514 regents and cities. Other regions that will be invited to the event include regions from South East Asia, Central Asia, Africa, Australia, and the small island states from the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

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